

VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 Jan - Feb 2022

ISSN 0975 - 9646

1. A Review on Single Sign on Based Secure User Authentication
Scheme and Technologies

Pages :1-5
Dr. Jaishri M. Waghmare, Divya Kalyankar
Abstract | PDFPDF
2. Effectiveness Measurement of Digital Library in Higher Education
Pages :6-15
Rabab Dawoud Alsaffar, Husian F. Ghuloum, Zuwainah Al-lamki
Abstract | PDFPDF
3. Cloud Computing and How to be Secure using algorithm “Elrayah” Cybersecurity framework based of dev of tech
Pages :16-18
Elrasheid Mohmed Ahmed Elrayah Adam Elraya, Malik Nasr Eldin Ahmed Abdulrahman, Omer Ahmed Osman Elnageeb
Abstract | PDFPDF
4. Traffic Sign Detection Using Multi-Layered Convoluted Neural Network
Pages :19-23
Aryan Arora
Abstract | PDFPDF
5. Think Different: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Quantum Computing
Pages :24-27
Agastya Kompella
Abstract | PDFPDF
6. Air Pollution Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques
Pages :28-32
Aananya Lakhani
Abstract | PDFPDF
7. Ileach- an integrated leach routing protocol to elongating the network lifetime in WSN for Cyber Physical System
Pages :33-38
Umapathi G. R, Dr. Ramesh Babu H S
Abstract | PDFPDF
8. Agriculture Soil Analysis, Classification and Crop Suitability Recommendation Using Machine Learning
Pages :39-41
Saurabh M Sirdeshmukh, Prof. Prajakta A Satarkar
Abstract | PDFPDF
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